Periodic table trends: 1. Elements close to each other on the periodic table
display similar characteristics
2. There are 7 important periodic trends: a. reactivity
b. ion charge
c. melting point
d. atomic reactions
e. ionization energy
f. electro negativity
g. density
Reactivity: 1. Metals and non-metals show different trends
2. The most reactive metal is Francium; the most reactive non-metal is Fluorine
Ion charge: 1. Elements ion charges depend on their group [column ]
Melting point: 1. Elements in the center of the table of the highest melting point
2. Noble gases have the lowest melting points
3. Starting from the left and moving right, melting point increases [until middle of the table]
Ionization Energy: 1. Ionization energy is the energy needed to completely remove an electron from an atom
2. It increases going up and to the right
3. All noble gases have high ionization energy
4. Helium has the highest ionization energy
5. Francium has the lowest ionization energy
6. Opposite trend from atomic radius
Electronegativity: 1. Electronegativity refers to how much atoms want to gain electrons
2. Same trend as ionization energy
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