Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today we did an experiment dealing with hydrates!

What are hydrates you ask? Well they are simply Compounds that are bonded along with H20 (water)

Ok, so in the lab we are comparing the hydrate and anhydrates of colbalt chloride hydrate

We started the lab by...of course safety equipment.

Then we did the lab (which was basically using the bunsen burner to evaporate the water inside the colbalt hydrate.

Things I noticed in the lab...
1) The hydrate at the start was crimson, and during the evaporation part, it started bubbling and turned a royal blue, then as we kept on evaporating, it turned into a really light blue.

2) Some of my peers also had "plaque", as my teacher said. and it was due to overheating???? not sure

3) After we evaporated the water, guess what? its lighter. of course....

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