Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Isotopes and Atoms

Hello fellow follower of this blog, would like to thank for the follow and enjoy more of chemistry 11 (:

This is about the atom and its different forms also called isotopes.
Let us cool it down with the basics, let's talk about the atomic number.

The atomic number is basically the number of protons within an atom
You can obtain the number of neutrons by following this equation:

 Atomic mass - Atomic number = Number of Protons
       (p+n)      -          (p)           = (n)

This is KEY to your success in your understanding of isotopes

What is an isotope in the first place!?
Well calm down, its simple.
An isotope has the same traits as an atom, with the same atomic number an all, but the secret on isotopes are that the mass between isotopes of the same element are different.

Just to clear the contradicting of "same" and "different" in the last sentence,

Some cool instruments are used to determine the abundance and mass of the isotopes of the elements
these are called Mass Spectrometers!

Above this, is a video of a mass spectrometer in action! Since we are in a filipino majority school, its a demo from straight from the Philippines!!! Enjoy (:  

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