Monday, October 4, 2010

H2O (or dihydrogen monoxide haha) Solubility of Sodium Chloride

Hello Followers of this blog (: Today we had our first ever lab testing the solubility of water when mixed with Sodium Chloride, easily found in your normal table salt.
 So there was certain procedures that we did to measure the solubility of the water with Salt
1) Get items for the lab (graduated cylinder, scoopula, beaker, wax paper, table salt, stirring rod, scale)
2) Get the safety equipment! (even though we are dealing with salt, Mr. Doktor will Zerg rush you guys on Starcraft II if you don' "MAKE IT A HABIT" - Mr. Doktor)
3)Measure 10,20,40,50 mL of water with your GRADUATED CYLINDER, because using a beaker is inaccurate.
4) Then pour it in the beaker
5) Put table salt on the wax paper which is on the scale
6) Zero in the scale to make life easier.
7) Then keep on pouring salt in the water with the scoopula and keep on pouring salt until the water is soluble, which means it will show some salt crystals on the bottom of the beaker.
8) Finally record on the table, because you will forget.

Salt (NaCl) is an ionic compound used as a condiment, and also (it was a shock to me but did make sense due to taking the water out of things) as a preservative!

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