Wednesday, March 16, 2011


HCl---> H+1 + Cl-1 [dissociation]

1. Ionic compounds are made up of two parts:
    - cation: positively charged particle
    - anion: negatively charged particle

2. When ionic compounds are dissolved in water, the cation and anion separate from each other

3. This process is called dissociation

4. When writing dissociation equations, the atoms and charges must balance

5. The dissociation of sodium chloride is:
     NaCl---> Na+ + Cl-
ex: 1. Fe[OH]2=---> Fe+2 + 20H-1
      2. Na3PO4=---> 3Na+1 + PO4-3
      3. Fe3[PO4]2= 3Fe+2 + 2PO4-3
      4. If the volume doesn't change then the concentration of individual ions depends
          on the balanced coefficients in the dissociation equation
          a. Determine the {Na+} and {PO4}-3 in a 1.5M solution of Na3PO4
          Na3PO4 [1.5M]---> 3Na+[4.5M] + PO4-3[1.5M]
1.5mol/L x 1/1= 1.5mol/L

6. Determine both ion concentrations when a 2.5M solution of lithium sulfate dissociates
    Li2SO4[2.5M]---> 2Li+ + SO4-2
    {Li+}= 5.0M
     ZnCl2[0.376M]---> Zn+2 + 2Cl-1[0.752M]
7. A 100ml solution of 0.500M PcCl2 is added to 200ml solution of 0.100M
    NaOH. Determine the final concentration of each ion
    PbCl2[0.500M]--->Pb+2[0.500M] = 2Cl-1[1.00M]

c1v1= c2v2

[0.500M][0.100L]= c2[0.300L]
c2= 0.167M= [Pb+2]
[1.0M][0.1L]= c2[0.300L]
[0.100][0.200L]= c2[0.300L]
c2=0.0667M= [Na+] = [OH-1]

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